*In 1999 (rookie season) <>Three 3rd <>Two 4th <>5th at the end of the year in points
*In 2000 <>One Win <>4th at the end of the year in points
*In 2001 (rookie in the oval and last year in the road course) <>Four wins <>Four 2nd <>Six 3rd <>Four 4th <>One 5th <>7th in the tri-state series (alot of bad luck) <>Junior hard luck award <>Finished 3rd in end of the year points in Saturday Junior Rest.
<>Finished 2nd in end of the year points in Sunday Sun. Junior Rest.
<>5th in end of the year points in Sunday Junior Road Course
*In 2002
<>Eight 1st
<>Eleven 2nd
<>Three 3rd
<>Three 4th
<>2 DNF (motor problems & hit the wall)
<>Have not finished lower then 5th (not including DNF's)
<>Finished First on Saturdays Junior Oval
<>Finished Third on Sunday Oval (missed a extra race)
*In 2003
<>One 1st (only race so far)
<>One 2nd
<> 1 DNF (lost a tire)
Overall Information:
(<>) 29 carrer wins
(<>) 62 trophys
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